Monday, October 13, 2008

Where did we come from?

This is one of the most debatable questions ever. Forget about all other myths or beliefs because they do not compare to this one. If you ask this question to different people you will get a variety of answers. Most people have a religion that they believe in, while others believe in other things. Some even believe that evolution played the role in our creation. So where did we come from? Whatever the answer may be, most people have their belief and they stick by that belief no matter what. Those who follow a certain religion refuse to incorporate any other ideas into their belief.

It is extremely hard to name all religions that are out in the world today. Some have dated back centuries and others are new to us. But if there are so many different beliefs which one is right? This question is impossible to answer because if a person is asked this, they will always answer that their religion is the right one. Indeed there are many religions but some have similar views and beliefs. For example Christians, Catholics, Mormons, Muslims and Jews all believe in God. But Christians and Catholics believe that Jesus Christ was the greatest of all god prophets. However Christianity is different from Catholicism because they do not follow the bible the same as Catholics. Then you have the Mormons who follow the bible to the point. Muslims on the other hand believe Muhammad was the greatest prophet and Jews believe Moses was the greatest. There we have five different religions, yet they are somewhat similar. So if they are similar in some way why do people refuse to accept each other’s beliefs and that we all came from god?

Some people have come to believe that we have evolved over the years and that there is no god. The people that believe this theory are called evolutionist. For years they have done research and studies trying to prove that we have evolved from primates. They follow the belief that as the world evolved so did the creatures in it. Evolutionist research has shown that our DNA is almost identical to that of primates, as well as our features. They have even found fossils and well preserved remains of primates which has given evolutionist more evidence to there belief. The remains show that primates evolved and changed to adapt in the environment. So does this mean that we are are just well evolved primates?

Our beliefs have even played a role on society for centuries. Humans have been going to war with each other because of religion for as long as we can remember. From roman times, to the crusades, to the beginning of America. It seems as every time there is a dispute between beliefs there has to be a war to resolve it. The group that usually wins the war tends to dominate in society with there belief. Why cant each side just except the fact that thats what they believe? People are never going to believe in the same thing all the time, so there is no need to have people dying for an unintentional cause.

So where did we come from? Are we made in gods image, or evolved from primates? Who was the greater prophet, Jesus, Moses, or Mohamed? The evidence is to inconclusive to know the exact truth. As soon as one belief says they are the right one, another says that they are as well. We will never know which religion is true, or even if evolution is really where we came from. People will just have to believe in what they want to, and try to understand that others believe in different things.

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