Tuesday, November 25, 2008

in the news 11-25-08

it is hard to put the blame on one person. Most of the third world countries are forced to live like that because the land they live in does not support them like a rich nation. those nations which are not as wealthy as others have no way of making money, there resouces are not as plentyfull as ours. i believe a lot of americans take things for granted, they do not realize how hard it is to like like that.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Journal entry number #12

Group members: Darrin Williams, Parker Daniels, Jovanhy Perez

asking questions:


5 w's:




Tuesday, November 11, 2008

in the news 11-11-08

To save jobs there is a lot that can be done. It will not happen over night but it is possible for us to build schools and other buildings to create jobs. The economy doesnt help either when the stock market is dropping hundreds of points and then rising again. if it was stable there can be more jobs for people as well.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

in the news 11-6-08

I believe Obama won this election because everyone is tired of the way the country is headed. The economy is bad, the dollar is decreasing in value, people are loosing jobs, and things are getting expensive with no money to afford them. people want to see a change in America, and they believe Obama can give that. People saw more interest in Obama's policies and less in Mccains.

Monday, November 3, 2008

jounral entry #10

Stem cell research has been a debatable subject ever since it has been discovered. It has been tested and retested to figure out how it could help human kind. some have agreed with it and some have disagreed. Its research has evolved from cloning cells to cloning body parts.

ACT: cloning, testing, science, mixing, chemicals, donations, people agreeing to test on them, cell seperation
ACTOR: scientist, lab workers, testers, people being tested on, surgeons
SCENE: the lab, doctors office, hospital, clinics
AGENCY: operating room, laboratory
PURPOSE: to give some longer lives, help people with organ problems, help amputations

Monday, October 27, 2008

journal entry #9

drinking and driving leads to death
drinking and driving leads to death because it impairs your judgment
when you drink and drive you risk your life

men are obsessed with women
men are obsesses with women because of their beauty
when me see the beauty of women around them they are unaware of there surroundings

when you turn 18 you can buy a gun but you cant drink a beer
when you turn 18 you can buy a gun but can not drink a beer because that is the law
i believe it is ridiculous how it is possible to buy a deadly weapon but not allowed to buy an alcoholic beverage

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Questions pg. 371 and pg.385

pg. 371
1. Yes i believe that the technique gave me a very good idea of what the article is on, because the first paragraph introduced the article to me and the ending paragraph finished the main idea. The middle just summarized the details for me and put the picture all together.

2. It is important to know that Light man is a scientist because he has knowledge on this subject, If he was an any other job it would be based on opinion of that one person and would not have as many facts. The fact that he is a scientist is very important to the subject matter.

3. Light man is using a light tone. In the last paragraph he uses phrases to show that what he is saying is true and not forcing you to believe it but also to show a different perspective.

pg. 385
1. The fact that Gould used evolutionary fact to back up the belief in evolution. He states that the apple fell from the tree and explains it how newton did. Looking at the world gives us facts that we use now that can further us in science.

2. Some inferences that Gould uses is newton looking at an apple. Looking at this apple he thought of gravitation. With the thought of gravitation he defines it and comes up with he the laws of gravity.

3. When he starts the story i was lost and did not have a clue of what he was talking about. Only as i read on did i start to understand what he meant.